Final progress meeting of the XANDAR consortium

Published by xandaradmin on

In October 2023, the XANDAR consortium met for its fourth and final face-to-face meeting on the island of Corfu in Greece. With the XANDAR project due to end in December 2023, the technical focus of the four-day meeting was on the finalization of remaining development tasks and a thorough discussion of the ongoing toolchain evaluation. In addition, non-technical aspects such as XANDAR’s exploitation strategy were addressed to ensure a successful project closure.

In technical sessions, which were the key component of the first two meeting days, work package leaders gave an overview of achieved results and coordinated the activities to be performed in the remaining two project months. This was particularly important with respect to the ongoing toolchain evaluation phase. Based on representative requirements of XANDAR’s use case providers, BMW and the German Aerospace Center, this activity has the goal to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the developed X-by-Construction (XbC) toolchain and will document them in a public report.

On the third and fourth day of the meeting, focus was put on the preparation of pending deliverables, the review meeting, and XANDAR’s exploitation strategy.

With most participants accommodated in the conference hotel, the meeting provided plenty of opportunities for follow-up conversations in an informal setting. Networking activities were facilitated by multiple social events organised by the University of Peloponnese (UoP), the host of the meeting. These events were much appreciated by all participants and highly valuable for new project members of fentISS and BMW, who joined the team after the last face-to-face meeting in Belfast.

We thank both the 21 participants who traveled to Greece and those who participated online for this productive meeting. The consortium is looking forward to showcase its achievements at the final review meeting.

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