XANDAR project meeting in Belfast

At the end of March 2023, the XANDAR consortium came together for its third major face-to-face meeting. This three-day event took place at a strategically important time in the course of the project: with the first experimental toolchain evaluation phase just completed, the use case providers were able to give insightful feedback on the applicability of the current version of the XANDAR toolchain. To discuss this feedback and finalize the work plan for the remaining nine project months, 23 members of the XANDAR team met in the historical Lanyon building of Queen’s University Belfast (QUB).
The technical program of the meeting comprised six technical sessions along with practical events such as live demonstrations and hands-on tutorials. As part of this program, the partners discussed topics such as seamless interfaces between available toolchain components, hypervisor-based security monitoring strategies, and the available target deployment algorithms. Two important results of these discussions are a specific plan to prepare the XANDAR toolchain for its second evaluation phase (starting in October 2023) and significant progress in the ongoing exploitation and business plan development.
Official board meetings and networking activities complemented the technical program. As part of the networking events hosted by QUB, the consortium members had the opportunity to socialise with their colleagues and brainstorm about the exploitation of achieved results in an informal atmosphere.
We thank all XANDAR partners for their active participation in the event and are looking forward to the next face-to-face meeting, which is currently planned to take place on the Greek island of Corfu in October.